Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The broken monkey...

It has been a few days now, I have noticed that every time when I am occupied with something, cooking, or when I am working on my desk, Lucas will run to me, giving me the look, nagging & babbling (in his own language) and showing me his broken monkey. It happened a couple of times that it did occurred to me in my thoughts "What a lousy toy is that? Why does it keep falling apart?" 

On good times, I will fix it back for him, on other times, I will just ignore him and told him to play without the monkey attached, & I will continue on with my work or chores. That's the part & parcel of being a Work-at-home mom. You always question yourself about which should be prioritised in a day, sometimes you give in, sometimes you can't. Barely a handful of people understands the situation that I go through daily… 

One day, daddy was watching over him while I was cooking lunch. Lucas did the same thing running along with his toy but to daddy. But, this time "unfortunately" daddy caught him red-handed. Daddy told him off and asked him "why did he remove the monkey from his toy?" It was then, that it struck me, all this while, Lucas was trying to get my attention. Sigh, he must have felt neglected when I am busy with my daily chores & also sometimes work that he tried to get my attention. This coming from a less than 2 year old kid. I felt so bad. All he wanted was for me to be there to play with him. I also realised that at times when I actually stopped my work and walked to him & fixed his monkey back, he would usually smile and continue playing before "breaking the monkey" again...

Sometimes, we get so caught up with time & work, we often neglect and push aside people who are closest to us. This is how a broken monkey reminded me about the most important thing in life, just being there. I'm still working on making myself more available to my family but life ain't easy. A mom gotta do what a mom gotta do.

1 comment:

  1. Well written, Josie! As a working mom, I always felt that I didn't spend enough time with Abby so whenever I have the opportunity I will try my best to be with her as much as possible. Just the other day when I was glued to the TV watching Breaking Dawn, Abby kept asking me to read for her. At first I kinda ignore her but then I felt guilty when I saw her playing by herself. I realized giving my attention to Abby is much more important than to some blood sucking vampire movie. After all, they will one day grow up and be away from us. Let us enjoy the time spend with them as much as possible :)
