Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Going 21…. *months*

The little fell caught the flu bug a few weeks back. Fever went on for 4 days with runny nose & bad cough. Despite being sick, he was still very active running around & being his usual jolly self. It's only when it's time for medicine & during the night, he gets cranky. During the Dr's visit he still weighs below 11kg. Still a little underweight for his height & age.

24th Oct

I love it when he asks daddy to read him a book before he sleeps. Somedays, he will fall asleep before daddy is back home & daddy leaves for work early so he won't be able to see daddy. So bonding time like this is very precious… :)

I love to watch him sleep. I really do. He literally konked out after taking flu meds.

Because he was sick during halloween, we cancelled our plans for taking him out for trick or treating this year. We didn't want him to spread his flu to other kids as well. So we spent the day at home. We sort of dressed him up in his "glow-in-the-dark" pyjamas for the occasion :)

During the long weekend for Deepavali, we went back to daddy's hometown. He now knows how to answer us when we ask him, "where is daddy's hometown?" he will answer "tampah" (suppose to be Kampar… He had a swell time because every time he meets his aunt, he will get loads of presents. 
He is so loved!

We captured some pictures during our family trip to Ipoh.

Group picture of the family at Plan B, Ipoh (love this place)

More pictures of the little guy while shopping!

We also spent a lot of time cleaning up my sister in law's new house. Lucas had fun running around the living room that was still very empty.

Below are his loot from Aunty Stephanie & grandpa, which I'll be keeping for later ;)
He pouted his lips when I told him he cannot play with them yet.

This little guy can now say "Thank you" in words instead of signs. I'm so proud of him. The first time he said thank you was when his aunty gave him something. Everyone was surprised as he barely speaks.
He now knows how to say thank you after I applied lotion for him (without me asking), took me by surprise but I was really happy. 

New words he can speak : Duck Duck, Throw, kank kiu (thank you), poke, two, cuckoo (mimics the cuckoo clock when it cuckoos) **We are going slow & steady but we will soon get there ^_^
New things he does : 
  • Washing himself while bathing (with instructions of body parts like neck, tummy, hands, face, etc…)
  • Peeing in his potty (before and after bathing) showing progress with the potty.
  • Drinking fresh milk / formula in the morning.
  • No more pacifier :)
  • Drawing in circles with a crayon *sometimes*
  • Ask me to clear his ear wax (he stays really still and let me clears them but he wants to see the wax after) *I'm amazed but I did this with extra extra caution & only with his "consent"*
  • Tells me to wash him up when he poos  or when diaper is really wet, he will ask me to change him by pointing to his diaper & pulling me to the room/toilet.
  • More opinionated and says No to things he doesn't like.

And of course, still gives me the million dollar smile I love… 


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