Thursday, July 4, 2013

Our Breastfeeding Journey - Part 3

Day 3 - The "Prophecy"came true
This day was quite horrible. That morning while feeding Lucas I could see there were traces of blood and my nipple was sore. It was painful and sharp. The nurse gave me medela purelan to apply after each feed. It was my life saver. But it wasn't over. The journey is just beginning.

Cindy went home on this day and I was alone. I was excited to be going home the next day. But shortly after the first or second feeding, I could feel that my breast got tighter. It soon became as hard as rock, red and painful. O.O" Wake up call! I really didn't know what to do, was a tad shy to ask the nurse but I walked to the feeding room and asked for help. The attending nurse gave me a hot pack and she helped me message my breast which was so d*** painful! +_+ she didn't encourage me to use the hospital pump as my nipples were sore. We tried to hand express. And also I tried to call my husband to bring my pump which I left in the car. He can only come by after work. It was so overwhelming... I cried.

I manage to get some milk with the pump when hubby came, but I told the nurse to throw the milk away because it was almost an hour in the room without a proper cover... hehehe... *face palm* << this is the consequence of not reading up before hand. Oh well... then I keep latching Lucas & also extracting using the pump & finally, I manage to relieve from the pain...

After about 6-7 days in the confinement centre, I manage to wean Lucas off the nipple shield. Hooray. But the nipple was still sore. I really endured at least 3 months of nipple sore. It was so painful that showers felt like needles. Supply was just enough.... Not great, yet I'm counting my blessings as having just right amount is ok for me.

Everytime, we bottle feed Lucas, I will pump while he's being fed. This is to keep with the supply & demand. Everynight, daddy will feed Lucas once. That's when I will wake up and pump. If he drinks 3oz, I will pump about 3.5oz - 4oz... that's the maximum I can get, & luckily, Lucas only drinks 3oz only.

After about 6 mths, I stopped pumping and only DL. and the journey has been great. We are still going strong at 18 mths! Unbelievable.

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