Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Our Breastfeeding Journey - Part 2 - Reality Sinks in

Day 1 - Post delivery
After delivery, a few hours later, the nurse  let me hold my little baby. He was so tiny. We attempted the first latch but he just couldn't get hold of it. I was abit nervous and I could tell he was learning to latch on. Then the nurse said, he can't because my nipple was quite flat slightly inverted on both sides. She then walked away and came back with a yellow case. It was a set of nipple shield by Medela. She placed it on my nipple and we gave it another try. He then tried again and again and finally he managed to latch on. I was so happy!

I did not once wonder if my supply was enough for my little one. Neither did it occur to me to pump. Day one, I was pretty much bed ridden due to the pain post surgery. It felt like the lower part of my body has been detached from me. On and off, the nurse will bring Lucas over for feeding when he cries. I love having him around. At times I wondered if I could let him lay by my side a bit longer. Yet, my movement was still quite limited due to the discomfort and pain. He would cry almost every 2 hours so I fed him almost every hour as each feeding takes about 45mins. There was no night or day for me. The feeding process seems endless.

Nipple sheild from Medela

Day 2 - Getting up
The nurse make us get out of bed and walk to the feeding room. Boy, was that the longest, hardest, 20mins ever... The nurse was really patient with me as she waited and helped me make my first stand. Then on, I was required to walk everytime my baby cries. Why oh why is my room the last end of the ward and the feeding room is on the other...

Later that day, Cindy, who was also my roommate, told me milk will come in on the 3rd day. I didn't understand what she meant... I just nod. That's how blur and naive I am. Hahaha. Oh was I in for a big surprise on day 3... 

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