Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Ah, The sentimental me, the sentimental me...

Just a few days ago we were doing fine
then sneezes, cough and fever came by the same time... 
When it's time for meds you will run n hide, 
else you will close your mouth real tight.

Then, when Mummy offered you milk to drink, 
You rejected me & my heart sinks... 
Is it time to wean? Is it really time to wean? I'm pretty sure that's not what you mean.

It's been almost two years and very much a part of me, 
It happened so suddenly, Mummy is not ready.

This morning u woke up and asked for it, 
I jumped up immediately and tried to enjoy every minute.
I am quietly hoping it's not the last,
Oh my, oh dear, you are growing up too fast...

Today, Mummy tried a few times, you still said NO...
Looks like it's time for mummy to let go.

I will remember all the memories, oh so fond.
The struggle we went through, the sweet times we bond, 
What a journey it was for you and me, & how much you have grown my little baby. 

Ah the sentimental me, the sentimental me...
Just a little note frm a breastfeeding mummy.

:'( *sob* *sob*

p.s. I'm still secretly hoping it's not the last. >.<

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