Friday, October 11, 2013

19 - 20 months updates

I don't know when, but my little guy doesn't look so little anymore. He's now a little boy! *eeks separation anxiety* before I know it, it will be his graduation day & wedding day... & he will be moving out... *sobs *sobs "Oh no!"

19 months - 20 months updates

  • Started to dance according to what he sees on programmes such as Barney. I am amazed he was able to follow the actions quite accurately & singing "Bop! Bop! Bop!" (which actually stands for hop! hop! hop!) at the correct timing & hopping along with the song. Well, dancing is his best skill I guess... LOL
  • He starts to show interests in alphabets & can recognise "A" which he calls "AHHH~" at the airport gates early last month & also "O" just last week.
  • Another surprise he gave me was, he flips into one of his books and pointed to a shape and said  "STAR......", true enough he was pointing to a star. Then on, every star he sees,  he will go "STAR.....". The funniest was when we boarded the plane at night, and the lights outside looks like a million stars... he pointed & went "star, star, star, star, star star star....."repeatedly and gave a big *sigh*! hahaha. guess he meant too many...
  • Also, he started to use some common sense when doing things, such as when carrying his toy penguins, it will always drop halfway, as he will try to carry everything from one room to another, but recently, he has figured out that if he takes the penguins first, then the stairs, though he needs to walk twice, it doesn't fall.
  • Throwing tantrums and lying flat on the floor when he doesn't get what he wants. This is pretty much a headache for mummy as he's heading closer to Terrible Two stage. *_*
  • Nope, he hasn't "Sleep Through The Night" yet... not that I have any issues with it :) we will see how it goes.
  • Potty training - Nope. I haven't potty train him yet, as he's terrified of the potty... *scratch head* no idea why. But before bathing, I will whistle & he will pee, that's the consolation I guess. When his diaper is wet & heavy, he do point to it and ask me to change it... :) so we are taking it a step at a time.
  • He still calls me "cheh cheh"(sister) & not mummy... @_@
  • He has two rows of teeth! I haven't count them yet... but there's a bunch of them. :D 


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