Monday, September 30, 2013

The lunch that went wrong.

Yesterday, it was perfect day and we were having lunch by the restaurant overlooking the river. At a first glance this chair seems perfectly normal. 
I don't know how or when it happened but one minute Lucas was sitting on it, the next he was sliding down the hole and he got stuck and was hanging down from his neck. I reacted quite quickly and held his legs and pushed him upwards while he was screaming away. At the moment, I think my heart stopped & my mind was blank. The only thing was to get him out. We got him out rather quickly and I tried to console him. It was terrifying to see him Stuck that way. While consoling him I saw some blood on his face I thought his nose was bleeding. But I found a cut on his eyelid and it looks beaten. There were also some minor bleeding below his lips. He must have bitten himself during the fall. When he calmed down, I asked him to turn his neck left and right, up & down and it seems fine. It's a relieve that he only got minor bruises.
A few minutes after his fall he was back to his happy self again. My hands were still shaking but he seemed to have forgotten about it.
Today the swelling has subside and thank god everything seem fine. What a day! =_=' next time, I will not let Lucas sit on a chair without a secure strap at the center.  Never again.


  1. Oh no! Poor Lucas boy! Luckily no bruises or serious injury. Aunty Cindy give you a hug hug!

    1. :( found a few big ulcers on his gums the next 2 days, most likely due to the fall... He didn't eat much also due to the pain.
