Sunday, August 11, 2013

Just for you Daddy!

I wanted to make this present meaningful. Getting Lucas involved in the process gives him the freedom to create & enjoy. Sometimes, the most honest designs comes from children. I'm very happy and honoured to be able to "work" with my son as a team to come out with a "masterpiece...
This is what he scribbled with paint...

I cropped the art paper & started to work my "magic" on it :)
I tried to keep the embellishments minimal & try not to steal the limelight away from Lucas' artwork.

And the result? An Altered clipboard for daddy to display at his office :)

What about the rest of his "artwork"?

I cropped one of it & made it into a card. Alot of random stickers that hubby can relate to :) like travelling, photography & cycling!

Top Secret : Working on something very important

We are on a mission to make something very special. It's for someone very special on a very special day!
Will reveal what I did tomorrow! ;) Stay tuned! 
p.s : I don't think daddy reads mummy's blog.

Friday, August 9, 2013

A day out with the boys

It's the raya holidays but DH will be working on the 2nd day of Raya. We had lunch at Straits quay which was exceptionally quiet even though it was a holiday... Took a walk pass the mall and found a small park.

Mummy, the park is this way!

 Bulat boy sweaty and sticky after a few rounds at the slide... 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I won Four cow farms products!

Lucky me! I won a giveaway from Four Cow Farm from Shu-yin's blog. A bottle of baby oil and a jar of calendula remedy. Would like to share with you what I think of them, since I am given the chance to use them. :D Both of them are organic and contains ingredients so pure it's safe to be applied on your lips. 

The calendula remedy is really oily. It's really suitable to be applied on dry skin or chapped lips. I gave this jar to my mum as she has really sensitive skin and her hands easily cracks when she comes in contact with dish washer or anything chemically strong. She is applying it every night to help ease the tightness when the skin is dry. This product is fragrant free.

The baby oil is also fragrant free and smells very raw. Reminds me of a bottle of olive oil :) I use it to massage Lucas after bath everyday. He loves it when I give him some tummy rub with the oil. As Lucas has eczema before, I am very careful with what I apply on him. I am rest assured with this baby oil as it is organic and fragrant free. There are no signs of allergy from Lucas towards the oil so far :) that's a plus for me. 
Thank you Shu-Yin for the chance to win! The products are great!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

18 months

My lil baby is no longer so little anymore.

At 18months, he can climb up the bed on his own, he run and play hide and seek with me, he can climb a flight of stairs without any help.

On his picture book, on averagely, he can identify
- 95% of the food types (he being a snacks lover), 
- 80% of the animals (still gets confuse when animals look alike for example the duckling and the baby chicks, the goat and sheep), 
- 95% of the toys, 
- 50% of household appliances

He can say "elo" when he puts the remote or phone on his ear and Ma Ma when he wants food, he calls "daddy" sometimes "dada", he still doesn't call me... Sometimes, he calls me "cheh cheh" (sister in hokkien) *wonder if I should be flattered*... "nen nen" when he wants milk and all animals are called "woa woa"... That's about all the vocab he has at the moment. Oh, I almost forgot, his favourite word now is "neh neh neh" as he waved his hands indicating "No, I don't want this." - especially when having his meal.

Recently, every morning, he will have a "I don't want daddy to go to work" episode. He will hold on to daddy's leg and not let go.

He dances to music and he can really move to the beat... He can even do waves with his shoulder, I don't know where he learnt that from.
He knows how to ask for drinks.

I'm so proud of him! I know that there are a lot of things he can't do yet, although, his peers have already achieved their milestones, but for now, I'm concentrating on the things he can do :)  I know he will get there soon enough.