Tuesday, August 6, 2013

18 months

My lil baby is no longer so little anymore.

At 18months, he can climb up the bed on his own, he run and play hide and seek with me, he can climb a flight of stairs without any help.

On his picture book, on averagely, he can identify
- 95% of the food types (he being a snacks lover), 
- 80% of the animals (still gets confuse when animals look alike for example the duckling and the baby chicks, the goat and sheep), 
- 95% of the toys, 
- 50% of household appliances

He can say "elo" when he puts the remote or phone on his ear and Ma Ma when he wants food, he calls "daddy" sometimes "dada", he still doesn't call me... Sometimes, he calls me "cheh cheh" (sister in hokkien) *wonder if I should be flattered*... "nen nen" when he wants milk and all animals are called "woa woa"... That's about all the vocab he has at the moment. Oh, I almost forgot, his favourite word now is "neh neh neh" as he waved his hands indicating "No, I don't want this." - especially when having his meal.

Recently, every morning, he will have a "I don't want daddy to go to work" episode. He will hold on to daddy's leg and not let go.

He dances to music and he can really move to the beat... He can even do waves with his shoulder, I don't know where he learnt that from.
He knows how to ask for drinks.

I'm so proud of him! I know that there are a lot of things he can't do yet, although, his peers have already achieved their milestones, but for now, I'm concentrating on the things he can do :)  I know he will get there soon enough. 


  1. Totally no hurry. Just enjoy him now being such a cutey age. ;)

  2. It doesn't matter how much he knows...what matters is the time that you get to spend with him. That is precious!
