Sunday, July 28, 2013

Daily dose

The quaint cafe at the heart of Georgetown - The Daily Dose. After a short cycling outing on a hazy Sunday morning, we head down town to grab a morning bite. We were lucky that we got a Parking spot right in front. The road is narrow and there's a market along the road.
As usual we request for a baby chair for lil one, but they don't have one. Hmmph.
So, we have to place Lucas on a adult size chair, which means he won't sit still.
That's him giving me the "mummy, I want to climb up the table..." look.

My cousin recommended me to try the grilled cheese sandwich. So, I ordered it but they only served it after 12pm, & it's only 10.30am at the moment.*dang* I had to settle for the New York bagel while Alex had the cabana sandwich. I wanted hot Horlicks but they are out of it too... :( not my day.
I had to set-up my bagel :)
I used the cutleries to cut a piece of the sandwich. And the chef approached me and said that its easier to eat with our hands... I smiled and told her I want to cut a piece for Lucas to eat but it'd quite hard so I have to cut with cutleries... Then she said she have some potato salad which is soft she brought some out for Lucas :) that was nice of her.
Lucas enjoyed it... His finger shaking indicating it's good.
A shot of me n my glass of hot chocolate. 
 Some shots of the cafe

All in all, the food was nice. Cosy environment but not so baby friendly because there's no baby chairs. Plus points for the lady who offered Lucas some potato salad... :)

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