Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rewind : Our lil guy

January 2012 - It's still clear in my mind the day the Dr. told me my baby's position is breached. It will be most likely & recommended to have a c-section to avoid any complications during delivery if the water breaks. Dr Ma also said that 2/10 babies are breached. I was quite disappointed when I knew I couldn't deliver my baby naturally. All my life i really wanted to experience what it was like to deliver a baby naturally. I tried everything I could during the last stage of my pregnancy. From putting legs up to talking to baby, to doing exercises that was recommended on the internet. But Week after Week, during the weekly check-ups, i was disappointed. Once the baby turn down 90deg, which was sideways but then he turn back up. So reluctantly, I had to agree to a scheduled c-sec. 31 January (9th day of Chinese New Year). The day my lil angel was born. I remembered crying when I heard his first cry. Hubby signalled me with a Thumbs - up in the OR indicating everything was well (yup he was there to witness the whole operation *will blog about this later*).

When we held this little guy in our hands, we felt he was so tiny and fragile. 

He had a rough month when he contracted conjunctivitis from the confinement centre. It was really heart breaking to see someone so small, barely 10 days old with swollen eyes. He was one tough cookie and didn’t fuss much despite the pain he was going through… 

How do i know about the pain? I know because Alex and I both contracted it as well a few days after him. It was so badly swollen, tearing and bleeding. I was practically a zombie mum caring for the little one and caring for myself.

After that episode was over, I was glad that we were able to see his beautiful eyes after 2 weeks… 

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