Wednesday, January 9, 2013

First trip abroad - Day 2

Nov 2012 - Starting off our day slow. Almost noon, after his nap, Lucas had his first MRT ride. Before the ride, we manage to quickly capture a picture of us :)
During the ride, it's was funny how he followed the way we hold the rail while we are in the MRT.
We had our lunch at raffles city mall. Then I got to make a visit to papermarket, while Alex took Lucas for a wall around the mall. Lucas slept in his stroller while I was shopping :)
Then, we went to peninsula plaza and head back to the hotel. In the afternoon, we took Lucas for a dip in the pool. They even had a jacuzzi! It was such a great feeling to be enjoying the warm jacuzzi. In fact, my boy had so much fun that he was screaming when we had to leave the pool... Waking up other people who were resting by the pool *_* so embarrassing...

We ended the day with a wonderful dinner with my aunt, uncle and cousins. Great food at Por Kee (tiong bahru). Alright, good night peeps!

P.s/ Sorry, somehow i have problem rearranging the pics in correct order when posting with my phone :( will have to do it when I am at my PC.

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