Saturday, January 12, 2013

First Trip Abroad - Day 5

Nov 2012 - Last day in Singapore

Today, it will be just us. We tried to catch up with shopping but it wasn't really a successful shopping trip for us. So, I guess there will be no souvenirs this time around. I feel that souvenirs should be a kind gesture and not be something compulsory, however, I have the tendency to succumb to the pressure of returning the kind gestures from friends and family, who have given me souvenirs in the past... :(

We rarely get chances to enjoy dinner together with a lil baby around, usually we have to take turns to eat. Today, was different. Today, we had the chance to enjoy a nice dinner together at TCC. *the baby is sleeping* whisper...

Friday, January 11, 2013

First Trip Abroad - Day 4

Nov 2012 - Today was simple and easy. We spent the whole afternoon at my aunts place. Just catching up, drinking tea, enjoying the view and laughing at dorky old photos... While, two young aunties have to babysit & entertained Lucas :)

Followed by japanese dinner with Alex's close friend at a new mall, star vista.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

First Trip Abroad - Day 3

Nov 2012 - Well, we have only one activity planned for today, which is to bring Lucas to underwater world at Sentosa island. All else was unplanned... Including the wrong train we took to harbour front. We actually took the longer route as a result of our mistake. Really really long route!

Although, I feel that underwater world is pretty sad and rundown, Lucas had lots of fun looking at fishes. He was to young to understand what the dolphins and sea lions where doing, but he cheered and clapped along. Halfway through the tunnel tour, he slept... Must have felt like a beautiful dream sleeping amongst the deep ocean fishes.

On the bus

Enjoying underwater world

Then, there was a cheesecake alex bought for the trip at vivo city. It was bad when we took the first bite, so after our tour at underwater world we had to go back to the shop to return it.

When we tried to pay the tickets for the MRT, the machine didn't work. All in a days trip, I guess :)

At the end of the day, three of us were tired out and had a good night sleep.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

First trip abroad - Day 2

Nov 2012 - Starting off our day slow. Almost noon, after his nap, Lucas had his first MRT ride. Before the ride, we manage to quickly capture a picture of us :)
During the ride, it's was funny how he followed the way we hold the rail while we are in the MRT.
We had our lunch at raffles city mall. Then I got to make a visit to papermarket, while Alex took Lucas for a wall around the mall. Lucas slept in his stroller while I was shopping :)
Then, we went to peninsula plaza and head back to the hotel. In the afternoon, we took Lucas for a dip in the pool. They even had a jacuzzi! It was such a great feeling to be enjoying the warm jacuzzi. In fact, my boy had so much fun that he was screaming when we had to leave the pool... Waking up other people who were resting by the pool *_* so embarrassing...

We ended the day with a wonderful dinner with my aunt, uncle and cousins. Great food at Por Kee (tiong bahru). Alright, good night peeps!

P.s/ Sorry, somehow i have problem rearranging the pics in correct order when posting with my phone :( will have to do it when I am at my PC.

Throwback - Singapore Trip : Quick View of the Oasia Hotel

Nov 2012- When I book this hotel during our singapore trip last Nov, all I wanted was convenience and convenience is what I got. I fell in love with this hotel.

Reason because,
1. The hotel is directly above the Novena Station. All you need to do is take the elevator down to the basement & less than 5 mins walk, you are right at the MRT station. Having a stroller while staying at this hotel was a match made in heave. It's so convenient to go to places.
2. They even provided Lucas with a crib. He was jumping up and down the crib and enjoying it...
3. Clean. The room was simple, bright & clean. It wasn't large or posh, but just right. I really love this hotel.
4. Shopping is just next door/opposite. Plenty of food & shopping at novena square situated just beside the hotel.
5. Free in room WIFI. <3

Definitely, value for money :)

They actually have rain shower in their bathroom... :) I brought my own inflatable pool as Lucas is still not used to the showers.

I love the sofa by the window... you can get a wonderful view of the city.

We also hanged out by the poolside just to chill. Some night shots of the hotel from the pool side.

View of the pool from our room. The top right corner of the picture, is actually a hot jacuzzi pool (our favourite). You can choose to switch on the jacuzzi by the side of the pool. It will turn off automatically after a maybe 15 - 20 mins.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

First family trip abroad - Day 1

Nov 10, 2012... And I thought there will be no Internet for a week... But lucky for us, the hotel is currently offering free wifi to their customers! Woot!

We are definitely excited about our first family trip abroad. Woke up at 6am, and started finalising packing up for the trip! We actually exceeded by 0.8 kg and 90% of the stuff belongs to Lucas! We brought alot of snacks to keep him occupied inflight. Also, flying Air Asia, we don't have much expectation on in-flight entertainment for babies :) *if there's any*

Lucas fell asleep before we board the plane, so, the flight wasn't so pleasant because Lucas woke up and he was pretty bored the whole journey so he started screaming and fussing half way through the journey. The seat was quite small, & Alex was on the other side of the aisle was not helping the situation at all. Snacks only helped a lil while... Before he got cranky again! I know there were alot of eyes glaring at us because of Lucas. Lucky for us it was just a short flight to Singapore.

We stayed at Oasia hotel, from the first impression everything is quite good and clean. I would recommend this hotel to parents who are looking for baby friendly hotels in Singapore. More Pictures of the hotel here.

The best moment for me was the rain shower. Had a 'me' moment enjoying the hot shower after a very long day... Didn't have any chance to nap (lucas won't let me sleep) so the shower was my moment...

So far so good... We will be visiting the mall for dinner and maybe just hangout at the hotel :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

First Swim at home

July 2012 - Weekend is the only time I can squeeze some time off to blog and craft :) This week, after DH and I did some house chores together, we decided to bring out the pool and let Lucas have a lil fun time with water.  We have to thank my sister for the inflatable pool. She bought it at Tesco at quite a reasonable price. 

Lucas wearing the swimming top that daddy bought him. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bathing woes

Lucas hates to bath... Yup. Screams the moment he's in the water, & stops the moment you complete dressing him up. He will also hold on to my shirt or towel as if he's trying to save his own self from drowning. It has come to a point where I had to carry his bath tub & place it right beside my bed. On the bed, towels & clothes are ready. And people tells me babies enjoy bathing! *_*

Then one day sometime in Mar 2012, I had rant about it on FB. And a friend advised me to place a soaked hanky on his chest, before putting him in the tub. On top of that, I also bought a baby thermometer from Daiso. I made sure that the water temperature was a baby friendly temperature, soaked the hanky, put on his chest & put him into the tub. IT WORKS! Woo hoo... I was doing the happy dance. 
That very day, he gave me SMILES!

He still grabs my shirt occasionally for reassurance, but at least, he's smiling... & not screaming his heart out.

So so cute right? :D