Monday, March 31, 2014

Impromptu Weekend Activity : Penang Interactive Museum

After our bi-weekly outing to Occupy Beach Street event, I had an impromptu suggestion to visit the Penang Interactive Museum. DH said ok and so here we are. It's located opposite QE2, beside Via Pre. Entrance fees for myKad holders (Adult) is RM15, children below 2 - Free of charge.

On the way in, there are some 3D art available for visitors to capture some pictures too.

You can also catch up with Penang's Chief Minister over a glass of coffee, before you purchase your tickets.

Upon entrance, we are so glad to be in an air-conditioned room. With the scorching weather outside, being inside is really nice! The visit began with miniature sculptures about Penang's heritage.

The nasi lemak seller

The Durian seller

Economy Rice seller 

Penang Port

We can never get enough of Instragram :D

LengZai & LengLui spotted! Hey, that's us...

Then, we head on up to the 2nd floor, where the real fun is! :) We started fooling around with the 3D arts capturing pictures with just our phone. If you wish to visit this museum, having a camera is a MUST! We didn't manage to capture all the arts as Lucas was running here and there and we had a hard time catching up with him. 

Well, I will let the pictures do the talking. 

The funniest moment we had was with the 3D spiderman art. Lucas had some funny poses with daddy as the crowd in line laughed as well.

Second time with mummy, he sort of got the idea... 

Help Spidey, save my baby!!

Lucas wanted to kiss the turtle...

Lucas photobombing almost every other photo we took :D

Mummy, my reflection doesn't show in this mirror... >.<

There was also some facial scanning software, which changes your face on screen. I think it kinda spook Lucas out.

That's all from our really short visit to the museum. It was definitely an enjoyable one. Do visit the museum with your friends and family for some 3D fun!

Details of the Museum :
No.3 Pengkalan Weld, 10300 George Town, Malaysia04-262 6119Today 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Friday, March 28, 2014

Lucas at 2Years 2months

It's not a secret that handling two year olds can be a bitter sweet experience. It's great that they are starting to understand us, able to do certain things independently, but it also means, they are opinionated, they are curious all the time, they definitely love to test your patience & anger. This proves to be true as I am now a mother of a two year old toddler. Everyday, he test my ability to balance between too stringent & too lenient.

Somedays, he's an angel and an obedient little boy. He will do his own thing & play on his own when I am busy with my work. He now knows how to make imaginary tracks for his trains and cars. He enjoys fixing his own train with his duplo set. That's how he occupies himself.

He's still very much an attention seeker. He still breaks his toys and come to me so I fix them for him. 
He loves to dance & make funny movements so everyone pays attention to him :)

Somedays, he doesn't get things his way and he will scream, or roll on the floor and drives me up the wall. Just like in this picture,  he's crying because he wanted to hold the camera. I captured his cranky look anyways so in the future I can tell him how naughty he was. :D

He's afraid of other kids. He hides behind me or tries to hideaway when we ask him to play with other kids. We tried to take a picture of him and Abigail but he slowly slides away. LOL.

He finally stays put for a minute or two and I manage to get a quick capture of them :)

He's also beginning to show signs of jealousy. When mummy hugs daddy or when daddy kisses mummy, he will make a pouty face, until we kiss or hug him too.  When I carried Abigail, during a group photo session, you can see Lucas whining away because he didn't want me to carry Abby.

His recently acquired skill is Posing for the Camera! Boy, has he got some moves. 
Making faces during selfies is also his thing now :D

He also takes some good photographs of me with the phone sometimes. Not too bad eh... Me and the Taipei 101.

I know deep inside he adores us without questions asked.

And we love him to bits too! XOXO