Monday, January 27, 2014

Chinese New Year Penang Heritage Fun Ride

Good news! Finally, Lucas' is willing to wear his helmet during cycling :) hooray! So, it was all in good time as we participated in the Fun ride organised by one of the cycling groups in Penang. We had to drag ourselves to wake up in the wee hours as the event starts at 8.30am. It was a short ride & we had so much fun riding around Beach street to Komtar & back.

Home Sweet Home.

Yeay, mum is back home, & just in time to celebrate dad's birthday! :)
Even better, my cousin/god sister, Shallyn, came by just in time as we are about to sing the birthday song. We are missing our lil sis in this pic... but next year on, we will be celebrating more birthdays together!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


I believe there's still hope that this year will be a better year. There are times we weep in silence because it not easy holding it inside. Yet, as much as we need to hold ourselves together & we need to put in our decision, somethings are not up to us to decide... But I still have what little faith left, believing it will be alright.

5th January 2014. Recorded.