Monday, December 23, 2013

2013 in Review

Dear readers, how have you been? As the year is coming to an end, work & events are piling up, my calendar is filled up almost to the brink! Such joy… :) Have you been naughty or nice? I'm a little slow in blogging but I have not forgotten this blog. As I am blogging with christmas songs in the background, I would like to close the year to blog about the year;  rewinding back & reflecting on the good times & bad times, happy times & sad times, about the people we journey along with.
2013 is indeed a very unique year. It is filled with joy and unexpected sorrows. It was a year of Friends losing friends, friends losing siblings... I pray hard that those who are trying to move on, will find peace and let go of those who have left.  A sweet girl and a dear friend of my sister was one of the people I will remember. Though a life is lost, memories of her still remains.

I have also learned very much about HOPE & FAITH, experiencing how fragile life can be first hand & how life can just change it's course, at any single time. I've learned to live life to the fullest & appreciate everyday spent with loved ones. Life is indeed UNPREDICTABLE. How insignificant our little rants are compared to others who are fighting to live on & move on. I pray that my mum & my aunt both find strength & hope to continue fighting on.

I now learned to rant less… (not that I have anyone to rant to… :) but as long as I give it my all whole heartedly, I believe the reward is just around the corner, work more, complain less…). This year, I have been blessed with great opportunities to improve and grow in my passion & career. Though I'm still taking baby steps but I remain hopeful that all things will fall into place.

Although, financially, this year has been a tad challenging for me, I'm grateful that Lucas & I are blessed with lucky stars throughout the year. This year, by far, must have been the year for most won giveaways & challenges as well being featured. How awesome is that ?! So despite all the sad things that happened, there are also the good things I look forward to :)

Last but not least, we would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! May the new year bring you & your family new hope, new joy & new adventures… xoxo, yours truly.